MFCS Visited by High Schools' Tech Campus


MFCS Mundelein Visited by Lake County, Illinois High Schools' Technology Campus

In early January 2015, the MFCS Mundelein facility hosted a class from Lake County High Schools' Technology Campus (Tech Campus). Tech Campus has a class, which has completed projects, such as reverse engineering remote control cars, while utilizing 3D modeling software, Autodesk Inventor. The class pulls from different high schools in the area that have an interest in a technical background. Mundelein and Tech Campus were fortunate to connect, and thought it would be valuable for the high school juniors and seniors to see a manufacturing facility.

Mundelein welcomed an instructor and eleven of his students, and spent half a day showing the students different aspects of engineering within the Mundelein facility. The morning began with an overview of MacLean-Fogg Component Solutions, which was led by Rob Whitney, President, Engineered Plastics Company, MacLean-Fogg Component Solutions. Shortly after the introduction, the group broke into smaller groups and rotated between:

• Design Engineering
• Plant Tour
• Engineering Lab

Design Engineering was led by an MFCS Product Engineer, and highlighted part builds, SolidWorks assemblies and De-Form examples. The Plant Tour was guided by an MFCS Quality Engineer. The tour walked through the life of a part: Forming, Machining, Tapping, Deflection, Welding, Inspection and Sorting/Packaging. The Engineering Lab was led by an MFCS Quality Technician, with help from an MFCS Metallurgist. Together, they explained different testing that is performed to ensure MFCS provides customers quality product. Some of the tests explained included: Schatz Torque Tester, Salt Spray Chamber, Cleanliness Testing and Microscopes. The event ended with lunch and open questions.

