Operational Transformation

Operational Transformation
Our business system, our continuous improvement journey, our way of life.
At MFCS, we strive to deliver value to our customers quickly and correctly every day. We are never satisfied with the way things are because we know we can always be better. A mantra among our associates is, “to be better today than we were yesterday and better tomorrow than today.” This steady drive toward perfection keeps our business in a constant state of change. We call our continuous improvement journey Operational Transformation, or simply OT.
OT is our business system. It’s the way we develop and train our people. It is a structured approach to problem solving that we use every day in each of our operating units. OT is the way we engage each and every MFCS associate in the creation of value for our customers.
The goal is to generate empowered team members who are organized into self-guided work groups, which quickly identify and address opportunities for improvement and ultimately improve the customer’s experience. This is our commitment to our employees and to our customers.
OT will ensure that MFCS is continually working towards being an even better company. We know that being a better company means bringing higher-quality products to our customers, more efficiently, ensuring we are the ultimate supplier of choice.